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Recursos de la Biblioteca en el área de Podología

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Forensic Podiatry: Principles and Methods

John A. DiMaggio, Wesley Vernon OBE

Berlin: SpringerLink, 2011

Foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis

Maurice Bouysset, Ives Tourné and Karl Tillmann

Springer Verlag France, 2006

Forefoot reconstruction

Louis Samuel Barouk

Paris : Springer, 2005

A practical manual of diabetic foot care

Michael E. Edmonds, Alethea V. M. Foster, Lee J. Sanders.

Massachusetts: Blackwell publishing, cop. 2004


Disorders of the heel, rearfoot, and ankle

Chitranjan S. Ranawat, Rock G. Positano

Philadelphia : Churchill Livingstone , 1999

Podología geriátrica

Isabelle Herbaux, Hubert Blain, Claude Jean del; prólogo de, Alain Franco

Barcelona : Paidotribo, cop. 2007

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Biblioteca de la Universidad de Extremadura

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